Multiple Currency Merchant Account – In order to have a Multiple Currency Merchant Account or Multi-Currency Merchant Account, you do not pay any type of wire transfer fees. Also, it is not mandatory for a merchant to have an Offshore or foreign account. Here in this article, we are going to discuss the Benefits of Having Multiple Currency Merchant Account. This will also help you understand the pros and cons to accept Multiple Currency with an Online Merchant Account.

Multi-Currency Merchant Account – Merchant Stronghold:
Having a multi-currency merchant account can be a very easy way to increase the sales for a business from the international buyers. The Multiple Currency Merchant Account or Multi-Currency Merchant Account allows a merchant to display the prices of products and services in different currency. This means the buyers can choose the product from the list and make the payment as per their currency. This also helps Merchants to increase revenue.
It is very much required to have a multi-currency merchant account to accept the payment as the world is becoming a single marketplace. In order to sell products and services to global buyers, US sites are on the top till now. We at Merchant Stronghold offers the Merchant Accounts for your businesses as well as the 24/7 services. In case of any issues or queries related to the account setup or other technical glitches, you can visit us at



For Merchant:

  • Increase In Sales: As a Merchant, if you display the prices in different currency then it help in increasing the sales globally.
  • Higher Conversion Rate: While shopping from a website a buyer does not need to focus on converting the price into local currency. The only focus should be on buying product or services and making payment in their local currency. Using Multiple Currency Account gives you the higher conversion rate of shoppers to buyers.
  • Reduced Chargebacks: Transparency in currency makes it easier for the buyers to make a purchase, which in turn reduces the chargebacks. Also, a reduction in other service queries from the buyers, as Merchant showcases that they care about the buyer’s shopping experience.
  • Enhanced Buyer’s Trust: As buyer becomes more comfortable in buying any product or services in their local currency. So this builds the buyer’s trust or enhances their loyalty towards the merchant.
  • Reduction In Expenses: Using Multiple Currency Merchant Account reduces the processing fees or expenses. Also, lowers the foreign exchange risk.
  • Competitive Advantages: Multiple Currency Merchant Account gives you the provision of being top of the competitors as well as, makes your customers visit again and purchase more from your site.

For Customers:

  • Better Experience: Prices displayed in the local currency gives the buyers a good shopping experience. It also offers them more familiarity.
  • No Extra Fee: Buyers can pay in their local currency with no surprise factor at the end. They can avoid the currency exchange fees by paying in their local currency.
  • Well Informed: If buyers are well informed then they will be confident enough to buy more from the site. This will eventually increase the number of sales and revenue.
  • No Transaction Fee: If buyers are paying in their local currency then there will be no foreign transaction fees on their final statement of the purchase.

We have mentioned the benefits of having a Multiple Currency Merchant Account above. In case of any other queries visit us at for better assistance.

FAQs – Merchant Stronghold:

  • Issues while using payment gateway multiple currency
  • How to open an international merchant account?
  • Issues with the International merchant services credit card processing
  • Errors in Multi-currency payment gateway in India
  • International merchant account payment gateway failed to response
  • How to purchase International payment gateway

In order to resolve these queries, you may directly contact Merchant Stronghold Support. You may also visit us at for the further assistance. Also, we assist you in getting a merchant account for your online business with the 24/7 support. So, there will be no need to manage your merchant account on your own as our experts will do the job for you. For more details visit

How the ACH Payment Processing Saves Time and Money?

ACH Payment Processing Saves Time and Money – To maximize the profit and increase the customer, you need to choose the best business practice for the business. This includes the payment methods or payment system as well. The credit card has revolutionized the payment industries and, the security and benefits provided by the service providers have encouraged the users to these services.
For the merchant, one of the most popular and beneficial payment services is the ACH Payments. This article will help a merchant understand why ACH Payment processing saves time and money. You can also contact Merchant Stronghold and talk to an expert to help you get the best merchant services.

How The ACH Payment Processing Saves Time And Money_

What are ACH Payments?

The ACH stands for the Automated Clearing House, which is an electronic payment system. It is an electronic network for the financial transaction in the United States. The ACH processes huge transaction amount that is debited or credited. Also, the most common uses of ACH are online bill payment, mortgage and loan repayment, and direct deposit of payroll.

ACH is a direct payment that uses the electronic method, which makes it fast and efficient.
It makes easy for the merchant to handle and manage the transaction.
The Credit Transfers are also pushed to the merchant account by ACH by quickly processing the transaction.
This method is proved to be the most secure transaction method for both merchants and customers.

How does ACH Payment Processing Save Time?

The ACH is proved to be faster than other payment modes. This is because, when using the ACH, a unique routing number is provided that initiates the transaction. The money is then taken from the customer’s account and put into the merchant’s account. It is somewhat like a paper check but faster.

Generally, the ACH takes 2-3 working days to complete, from customer’s account to the merchant account.
Same day processing is also available for the merchants.
Also, the authorization is fast and secure that is attracting many merchants.

For more information, we recommend you to contact an expert. Call at the toll-free number+1 (888) 622 – 6875 of Merchant Stronghold and get an expert to guide you.

How does ACH Payment Processing Save Money?

Now we know that the ACH processing saves time. It also saves a huge chunk of money as well. When using a credit card, the merchant has to pay a fixed amount to the credit card processor to use their credit card service. The ACH removed this fixed charge because this service is between the merchant and the customer.

Different Methods To Accept Payment For Merchant

Online Payment Methods
Every year there is an exponential increase in the number of digital transactions. This means more and more people are choosing online payment methods than any other ways. Surely the online payment processor and service provider is flourishing, as everyone is looking for a secure and fast method to make payment for what he or she wants.
Picking the right payment option and method for someone new to the merchant market can be tricky. To help our users, we are providing a list of secure and reliable Online Payment Methods that can ease your task.

Different Methods To Accept Payment For Merchant

The most widely accepted online payment method. You need to create a user account and then follow the given instruction and you are all set to use the PayPal. Here are some of the features of the PayPal.

If you are a merchant then you can directly add the PayPal button on the home screen of your website.
This will help the visitor on your website to directly connect to the PayPal payment gateway in order to purchase your product.
You can also create, send, and receive the payment invoice anytime you want.

For more details related to the PayPal payment options, contact Merchant Stronghold and get the desired information you want.

Google Wallet
Google has also introduced the Payment method with their Google Wallet option. This allows you to download the mobile application and then you can carry out the desired transactions.

You will be asked to sign in to Google Wallet using the Google+ account.
The checkout process is very simple which is why other payment providers are facing challenges.
You can also send and receive money using the emails.
Once you have created Google Wallet, you can store credit cards, debit cards, loyalty cards, and even gift cards to your account.

Square is specially designed for the merchant and their payment services. It is one of the prime competitions of the PayPal that is offering attractive deals to their customers.

Square gives you the platform to sell your item and service.
Or you can simply add the Square to your website to carry out the transactions.
You can also send and receive payments using the invoice of the Square.

Amazon Payments
The popular E-commerce company also has the payment service provider that is Amazon Pay. This payment gateway allows you to make transactions for a wide range of products in the market.

Amazon pay offers the API to the merchants to add it to their websites for the transaction purpose.
Whenever your customers make the purchase, they automatically get redirected to the Amazon’s checkout.
This is one of the Online Payment Methods that make checkout process convenient and trustworthy.

Stripe offers a robust API to their customer for integrated projects such as web developments. It offers a platform that is easy to manage. Moreover, they do not come between you and your customer.

They help you complete the payment without getting between the customer and merchant.
Stripe acts as the merchant account for the customers by handling all PCI compliance and merchant approvals.

When it comes to suggesting our customer about the online payment methods for small businesses, we always recommend Authorize.Net. The small business owner that wants a quick and easy business solution for their transactions can choose Authorize.Net.

For more details related to the Authorize.Net or the best payment system for your business, you can contact Merchant Stronghold. You can also access the 24/7 email support at or you can simply visit for more relatable blogs.

Understanding High-Risk Business – Merchant Stronghold

You are most likely wondering what a high risk business is. if you arrived on this page. This is a term that you can find very often in the financial world and it does bring in front quite a lot of challenge even for the industry professionals. We are here to eliminate the shroud and offer you a great solution!

Understanding High-Risk Business - Merchant Stronghold

One thing you need to know is that high risk businesses are operating within a high risk industry most of the time. The industry doesn’t have lots of customers or it has plenty of competition and its sales and dwindling to say the least. You will also see that most of the high risk businesses have financial troubles, with various problems like company viability and the inability to get financing, merchant accounts and so on.

Yes, a high risk business will have a hard time getting a merchant account, although there are high risk merchant accounts that can be acquired at times. It’s important to note that such a business can have a hard time getting online payments just because acquiring a merchant account is quite demanding. The high risk factors included here are a large number of chargebacks, refunds and so on, credit card fraud as well as companies that have a very high number of non-fatal or even fatal accidents to begin with.

Moreover, there are businesses that don’t comply with the regulations and requirements requested by the local law. This is very important and it does bring in quite a lot of trouble to begin with.

Since a business is seen as a high risk one, it does have to deal with plenty of consequences. The first one would obviously be dealing with a very high loan rate. This is very challenging and many times it can be quite problematic to begin with.

Of course, working with a high risk business doesn’t bode well even for some major companies as well, which is very challenging for sure. It might be very problematic at first, so you should just try and avoid that to begin with. Yes, it will be problematic to deal with this type of business because not that many want to focus on working with companies that are in debt. This doesn’t really seem to bring in front a lot of trust and that’s why most high risk businesses tend to be avoided. They also tend to have a bad reputation in the industry and that can hamper their potential partners to begin with.

Plus, you won’t be able to get a merchant account which is even worse to say the least. All of these combined do show that high risk businesses will have quite a challenge when it comes to finding good partners and working with them in the long run. It will not be easy for sure, but that’s the reason why you have to eliminate debt and focus on optimizing everything. Yes it will be challenging but it can be very rewarding too!.

Contact Merchant Stronghold at the toll-free number +1(888) 622-6875. And get hold of an expert for the resolution of the issues that you are facing. Also, we provide specialized support to the high-risk merchants, credit card processing, and merchant account issues. Place a call at the toll-free number +1(888) 622-6875 or try our 24/7- email support.

How To Innovate At Point-Of-Sale?

Innovate at Point-of-Sale – As the technology is advancing, the methods to make a safe and fast transaction is also flourishing in the market. The old-school cash transaction is always more reliable and preferred method to purchase goods and services. But customers are also being attracted towards the cashless transactions especially in the case of online shopping. The credit card industry has changed the way people shop. And from the merchant’s end, a little innovation at Point-of-Sale can raise a good profit for the business.
In this article, we are discussing methods for the merchant to innovate at point-of-sale. If you are facing some issues concerning your merchant account or any other merchant services then feel free to contact Merchant Stronghold at their toll-free number +1(888) 622-6875. You can also try to get informational articles related to your concern.

How to Innovate at Point-of-Sale_

What is Point-of-Sale or POS?

Point-of-Sale or POS is a system that allows easy and fast transaction at the retail store purchase. It is a combination of software and hardware system that together makes a safe and successful transaction from customers account to the merchant account.

This kind of transaction generally includes a debit card or credit card.
The equipment often comes along with a barcode or QR code reader.
Along with that, you get a receipt printing device.
This system helps the merchant and customer record the transaction at the very time it takes place.

How to Innovate at Point-of-Sale?

With constantly changing and advancing technology, there is a demand for more innovative Point-of-Sale techniques. These points can help a merchant to achieve the same:

Reduce Checkout Time

We all hate the long line at the checkout point. It takes more time and some reports have also shown the inaccuracy due to the rush at the store. One method to fix this issue is by adding more checkout points and hire more staff for the same. But this method still pertains the issue of inaccuracy.
The most recently proposed method to fix this issue is by taking the help of artificial intelligence or AI. This means the customer simply go to the store, collect the item and walk out of the store. The sensors and AI will recognize the purchase and charge the customer accordingly.
This POS system is still in testing. But once it is widely accepted by merchants it can save a lot of time and increase the profit of the merchants.

Mobile POS App

The idea is basically ordering the good on the way and getting the delivery once you reach the store. It is more like pre-booking the item when you are on-the-way.
The method was first used by a UK based coffee shop, which reduced the mealtime by half the usual time. The lunch hour is mostly very busy and hectic for both shop owners and customers. To reduce the time, you can also add such services to your shop.
You can also innovate at Point-of-sale by trying some of your in-house methods.

Virtual Shopping at the Retail Store

Many stores in the US itself have also accepted this method. It is as simple as it sounds. The customer can see various product displayed on the tablet or monitor screens. They select and add the products to their virtual cart.

Once the customer is done, he has to choose the payment method and complete the transaction. At the time of the exit, the customer will be handed with the selected item. Furthermore, they can also choose to try the product first. Also, this method will also reduce the space occupied by the big stores, as there is no need to display each item physically.
For more such tips, you can contact Merchant Stronghold and get to know various methods to Innovate at Point-of-Sale.

Benefits of having POS System

Having POS system installed at your store saves time for both,the merchant and the customer. Along with that, there are other security-related benefits that help a merchant to run a profitable business.

Accurate sales report of the exact amount that has been charged.
Reduce the chances of mistakes from the merchant’s end.
The merchant can track the employee who took the order.
Helps the merchant to create a list of the loyal customer using various loyalty programs.
Having a good and secure POS System can also help merchant fight against the Chargeback frauds.

Be it a small business owner or an entrepreneur having a multinational business, a secure POS System can never do anything bad. It gives the merchant some time to expand the business rather than worrying about past transactions. Also, the merchants can try their own formulae to innovate at the Point-of-Sale.
For more such tips related to innovation at Point-of-Sale, contact Merchant Stronghold. Our team of experts is available 24/7 to assist you. We provide payment-processing solutions to high-risk business owners. Contact us using the toll-free number +1(888) 622-6875 or shoot us an email