Merchants Guide Getting Funds Fast

Merchant’s Guide to Getting Funds Faster – After the customer has made the payment, the amount paid is put under the review and it generally takes 1-2 business days to actually credit into the Merchant Account. The time between the transaction and addition of amount in the merchant account is called funding time. And the process is called funding.
A merchant wants a quick funding because after the funding the merchant is allowed to use that money for investment or another purpose. This is an application in case of the digital money transaction. The cash transaction is free from funding, as the money is instantly available for the merchant to use or invest.
Here, in this article, we will discuss the methods to reduce the funding time. You can either follow the Merchant’s Guide to Getting Funds Faster or contact Merchant Stronghold for an expert opinion. Feel free to contact by placing a call at the toll-free number +1 (888) 622 – 6875.

Merchants Guide Getting Funds Fast _ Merchant Service Provider

Tip to Minimize the Processing Time

The processing is the major step that takes most of the time. Additionally, if the processing time can be reduced, the merchant will get the money in no time. Let’s start the Merchant’s Guide to Getting Funds Faster with the fast processing.

  • Choose Processor with Fast Funding – There are a number of merchant service providers in the market. They offer different attractive schemes to the merchant to sell their service. But a merchant should choose the processor that takes the least time to process the transaction without breaching any security rules.
  • Avoid Card-Not-Present Transaction – The payment made with the means that do not ensure that card was not present at the time of the purchase can take more time to process. Use transaction with a magnetic stripe swipe or EMV chip to process the transaction faster as these ensure the Card-Present transactions.
  • Reduce Number of Chargebacks– If a merchant is titled with a great many numbers of chargeback. Then the transactions of that merchant will take extra time to process to avoid any illegal activity. Use the chargeback proof method of transactions for the business.
  • Do not Cross the Processing Limit – Each merchant service provider offer the weekly or monthly processing limit to the merchant. If the merchant crosses this limit then those transactions will not be processed.
  • Choose the Processor with effective 24/7 Support – If there are issues with the transaction processing then make sure your merchant processor offers the support to help with your processing error.

If you need more tricks to reduce the processing time depending on your business then you can contact Merchant Stronghold and talk to an expert. Call us at the toll-free number +1 (888) 622 – 6875 and talk to an expert to get answers to your questions.

The Processors that Offer Fast Funding

Here is the list of the merchants that offer fast processing and funding along with other services. This is the Merchant’s Guide to Getting Funds Faster with the Fast Processor.

Paypal– If you have a Paypal Account then you can access the funds almost immediately after the transaction. Moreover, if you own a PayPal debit card then the funds can be used on expenses. The money transfer to a bank account can take up to 5 business days.

Square – Square offers the next-day fund transfer in most of the cases. At most, it takes 2 days for 48 hours to process and transfer the funds. They also avail instant transfer for the merchant for 1% fees of the transaction value.

Dharma Merchant Services – The default funding is 2-days for the Dharma Merchant Services. If the merchant is eligible for the next day delivery then they can access the services as well.

Reach customer care 24/7 at +1 (888) 622 – 6875

Question the Merchant Should Ask – Merchant Stronghold

  • Names of same day funding merchant account
  • How to get next day merchant funding?
  • How fast is square cash?
  • Get Merchant’s Guide to Getting Funds Faster
  • Get merchant account next day funding
  • How to open immediate merchant account?
  • How to get money from square cash?
  • Get same day merchant account approval
  • How to access same day funding credit card processing?
  • Get instant deposit credit card processing

These are some of the questions that you should ask in order to get the fast funding from the service provider. Furthermore, you can contact Merchant Stronghold at the toll-free number +1 (888) 622 – 6875. We also provide assistance regarding high-risk merchant account, merchant account management, and payment gateways.

An Easy Guide to Open Merchant Account with Bank

Open Merchant Account with Bank – As a merchant, you can jump between bank accounts for the online transactions of your business. This is the time when you should take your business to the next level by opening a business bank account. A Merchant Bank Account helps them to make payment using different methods including credit card, debit card, net banking, and other digital payment methods. Also, using a single account can cause convenience while calculating profit and loss.
In this article, we will discuss details related to the merchant bank account. To answer the question “Should you open merchant account with bank?”, read it till the end. Moreover, if you are facing some issues with your payment processing methods then contact Merchant Stronghold at the toll-free number for assistance. We provide specialized expert assistance for issues related to high-risk business, credit card processing, and many more.

An Easy Guide to Open Merchant Account with Bank

Benefits of Opening Merchant Account with Bank

If you own a small business or a large enterprise, it is necessary to open a merchant account with a bank. This is because the merchant account can provide many benefits to the merchant and customers, both.

Here are some benefits to use a merchant account for your transactions:

  • Better Customer Experience – The Merchant Account offers flexibility in terms of payment to the customers. They can access your services and get the products anytime they want by simply making the quick payment. This can result in an increase in customers and their satisfaction as well.
  • Increase in Sales – As mentioned in the above point that the customer satisfaction leads to more customers. That helps your business to gain more loyal customers and increase sales. Furthermore, the merchant account handles and manages all the transactions without any issues and errors.
  • Accepts a wide range of payment methods – Every Customer uses a different mode of payment method as per their convenience. If you are a merchant then you should prepare your business to accept payment using various payment methods. This especially includes the credit card.
  • Prevent Payment Frauds – Payment frauds are common in the business. Moreover, there are many fraud tricks that can easily fool a person. But when you use a merchant account, you also get the security features provided by the bank to get the genuine money for your original product and service.

To open a Merchant Account with bank you need to understand the process or procedure. For such details, you can contact the Merchant Stronghold. Moreover, this article also includes some points that can make your decision easy while getting a new merchant account.

What Should You Look for in a New Merchant Account?

It can be tricky to choose one bank when there are a plethora of options available in the market of the merchant account. These banks have their own attractive plans to get more merchants to join them. But as a merchant, you should not be fooled by the plans offered by them. Before you go and open a merchant account with bank, you should set your priority and emphasise on important services.

  • Support Service – Make sure the bank you choose has exceptional 24/7 support service. They are easily approachable and provide an effective solution to your issues.
  • Chargeback Benefits – Read and review the services provided by the Bank to fight against the chargeback. There are tools and services that can help a merchant at the moment of the Dispute.
  • Payment Gateway and Support – If you are getting a ready to go payment gateway along with the account then it could be a nice option for your business. This can bring ease and release you from one more task that is payment processing gateways.
  • Benefits and Gift Card – This kind of services are provided to the loyal customers of the bank. You should also check for such services that can be beneficial in the future.

These are some of the basic requirements of the merchant when opening the merchant account. Every business is different and so are their requirements. You can get specialized details to open merchant account with bank by talking to an expert. Contact Merchant Stronghold and get details that can help you choose the best bank and merchant account service depending on your business.

Frequently Asked Questions – Merchant Stronghold

  • What are merchant account requirements?
  • How to apply for a merchant account?
  • What is a merchant account?
  • Who are merchant account providers?
  • How to get online merchant account instant approval?
  • Should you Open Merchant Account with a Bank?
  • How to open a merchant account online?
  • Get chase merchant account
  • Do I need a merchant account?
  • What are the names of merchant accounts for small businesses?
  • How to get a merchant account with bad credit?

These are some of the common questions asked by our customers related to the “Open Merchant Account with Bank”. In case you are also having similar queries then feel free to contact the Merchant Stronghold. You can access our 24/7 email support and a toll-free number to reach our technician.

Methods To Avoid Merchant Account Hold Or Freeze

Avoid Merchant Account Hold or Freeze – The Account that a Merchant holds to make transactions is called Merchant Account. When the bank suspects anything suspicious they have the authority to freeze the merchant account without prior notice. And the Merchant never understands the reason behind the sudden freeze. For a merchant, this can be both stressful and a bump in the business. In such case, there is a way the Merchant can try to avoid Merchant account hold or freeze.
In this article, we will discuss the tips to avoid Merchant account hold or freeze. Also, for more information, you can contact Merchant Stronghold at the toll-free number +1 (888) 622-6875 and talk to a skilled representative. You can also visit and get all the articles related to your issues.

Methods to Avoid Merchant Account Hold or Freeze

What is the Difference between Account Hold and Account Freeze?

Account Hold

  • When the banks withhold some of the money from the merchant account is called Merchant holds.
  • The merchant account remains active and the account holds money that acts as a deposit for doing business.
  • Furthermore, in case of any fraudulent activity or chargeback issues, this money can be used.
  • However, the Merchant Account is not standard practice for both banks and the merchant especially in the case of low-risk merchants.

Account Freeze

  • If the Merchant is suspected to be involved in a suspicious activity then the Merchant Account is subjected to freeze.
  • During the freeze, the merchant is not allowed to make any transaction using that Merchant Account.
  • Then the Bank investigates the issues and unfreezes the account if no solid evidence is found against the Merchant.
  • The merchant should understand the reason behind the Account Freeze. This can help to avoid Merchant account hold or freeze in future.

What Causes Merchant Account Hold or Freeze?

As we discussed, the Bank has the right to Hold and Freeze the Merchant Account without prior notice. This is a step of precaution in case of any frauds. Here are some situations that can lead to potential Merchant Account Hold or Freeze.

  • Before opening the Merchant Account, the bank asks the Merchant to sign the terms and agreements. And if the Merchant does not follow the bank norms, the bank has every right to freeze the merchant account.
  • High Number of Chargeback – If your business is causing a large number of chargeback every month then the bank will investigate your business methods and discontinue your banking facilities.
  • Dealing in Undisclosed Goods and Services – Before opening the Merchant Account, you must inform the bank about your business with a detailed description. In case, you are caught dealing in other goods then you can be subjected to Merchant Account Freeze.
  • Suspect of Fraud – If you or your business is involved in any kind of fraud or illegal activity then banks can take actions by freezing the account.

If you know the possible reason behind the merchant account issues then you can use the knowledge to avoid Merchant account hold or freeze in the future.

How to Avoid Merchant Account Hold or Freeze?

  • Get a nice payment processor for your Business Account. Also, get a High-Risk Merchant Account if necessary.
  • Moreover, if you are about to make changes to your business and starting to sell different goods or services, then make sure you inform your Payment Processor about the change.
  • Reduce the number of chargebacks. The excessive number of chargebacks can cause a variety of losses including the Merchant Account hold.
  • Finally, if you are going to make an exceptionally large transaction then inform the payment processor regarding your transaction details.

You can also hire an expert to help you avoid Merchant account holds or freeze. For such services, contact Merchant Stronghold and connect to an expert. We provide the best credit card processing services for all kinds of businesses. Merchant Stronghold specializes in high-risk and offshore merchant accounts. Reach us using the 24/7email support at or directly visit us at

High-Risk Merchant Account For Technical Support

Merchant Account:- It’s like a bank account. Merchant Account gives the facility to a merchant to receive payment in numerous ways typically debit or credit cards. If you maintain an online business get a high-risk merchant account. The procedure is really simple- just apply for one through a merchant account provider. Fill the application form, attach all the documents. Send those documents to their underwriting department for survey and approval. When this finished, you will be good to go to accepts payments. However, this isn’t simple for Tech support Businesses. Most of the credit card processors do not serve the tech industry. So it is a difficult task to find a tech support merchant account provider.

High-Risk Merchant Account For Technical Support

Technical Support Merchant Account Provider

For retail merchants, it is really simple to get a payment processor yet it’s not the same with technical support businesses. This is because of high rate of chargeback risk included. So when you are searching for a merchant account provider, you ought to ask them certain questions before applying. These inquiries could go as follows:

Do you give high-risk merchant account to technical support businesses?

What about remote tech support (if applicable)?

Does underwriting department approve of it?

At times salesman will guarantee you that they do give service to technical support business and after you finish the way toward applying for it, and send it for approval to underwriting department; you may discover that your application is rejected because they do not support tech support business.

Can Merchant Stronghold help?

Merchant Stronghold has expertness in providing all type of high-risk credit card processing services to technical support merchants. To simply get a high-risk merchant account for your business, you have to fill the easy application form and give us with all the information then we will respond you through e-mail with the detail of pricing and terms as per your requirement. You can start processing when your application is approved. We can also set up your chargeback management tools and payment gateway.

Underwriter’s Requirement:

When you fill the application form for opening a high-risk merchant account for your tech support business, it is forwarded to underwriting department for approval. The underwriter’s role is to make sure that the business is good for the credit card processor to take on and it’s worth the risk. Underwriter looks for any type of loopholes in your application and the likelihood of the credit card processor facing the losses on the account. This can occur due to the high number of chargebacks that went unpaid. Also, unpaid billing or fines imposed either by the government or card brand or the sponsor bank. These reasons are good enough for declaring a merchant as fraudulent and rejecting the application for a high-risk merchant account.

The business or merchant that looks stable, legitimate and have sufficient amount in the bank account to cover chargeback are more likely to get for approvals. Better the reputation of your business, more are the chances of getting merchant account approval. So, if you are applying for a merchant account, make sure that your bills are not due and chargebacks are clear. If you maintain your account regularly, then also there are good chances of your application approval.